Sunday, September 19, 2010

Writing Rodeo Round-up

I attend the League of Utah Writer Annual Conference Round-up yesterday and I have to tell you - I was nervous, but I had a great time. If you can imagine the scene... Me, alone, in a room with tons of tables, a lot of talking with friends, and I have to go sit somewhere there amongst the talking/writing elite. Yeah, my stomach was already a wreck from nerves and lack of sleep. But to give a good idea of things that went on I'll share what I learned.

I learned a few things:
  • I am just as nerdy as all these other geeks that live in their head too much.
  • I met some wonderful writers whom I am actually very excited to read more from, even though I have NEVER read any women's fiction. It feels good to have writers read your stuff, because they have love for you at all and form no biased opinions. :)
  • A few posts ago I talked about attending a letter query writing class and some guy chatting with me like he was the coolest guy there like he knew his stuff? Well, I ate lunch with him and attended his class, and actually found out that he did know his stuff, and did know what he was talking about. Who knew?
  • There are also some very strange people and some very normal people who write. I felt like one of the young ones and I attracted attention; maybe because of my long blonde hair or maybe for being one of the saner ones.
  • I didn't feel so stupid for being an Indie Writer. People thought I was so cool for having my book on Amazon.
And I schmoozed with some people:
  • There was an editor from Covenant you seemed really interested in my work - too bad Covenant doesn't publish Fantasy or Vampire Satire.
  • A met some cool published authors, that I've never read, but might now that I have met them.
  • James Dashner, though still nerdy, is actually a lot funnier and cooler than my original impression at the Writer's Workshop last year.
And most exciting news:
  • I met with an agent who thought my stuff sounded fun and interesting and asked me to send it to her in New York. She might have thought I was some spastic cow talking my nervous head off about nothing, but she seemed amused. She seems really fun and everyone cross your fingers about this. I made myself so sick all day over this...
and... DRUMROLL.......
  • I got an Honorable Mention for my Everstar Manuscript in the age 14-17 category - which is out of the entire state and nearly 100 entries. Basically you are looking at the FIFTH PLACE WINNER!!! with no money prize... YIPPEE!!!!
It was a great experience. I'm more excited than even to start writing again.

1 comment:

MamaBug said...

Aw Candy!! That's just awesome!! I wish I could have made it. Do you still have a copy of your book for me?