Saturday, July 19, 2008

To answer all your questions about my book, it's a tell-it-all book about how CRAZY my family is! I'm actually looking at this thing instead of writing on it, so..... Bye!


Becka Thomas said...

I hope you understand that this means war.

Winnie said...

If I say "I'm sorry" very sincerely, will you edit your book and take out the parts about me? Or is it only your immediate family you were born into that you are writing about? You know that if you write bad things about us we will go on Oprah and rebut everything, don't you? Besides, we can always write our own books...

Kristina said...

I just noticed that you're wearing the Twiggy T-shirt in the picture of you and Julia on the right side of your blog. It looks so awesome! I just wish that they had one in a bigger size that would have fit me. :)